Online ; Friday, July 20st, 2022
It’s as famous as Fish and Chips, Whales, and Icebergs. Call it silly or welcoming, say what you like but there are more Honorary Newfoundlanders then there are those born and bred on the Rock. Why? Not sure. But allot of people have stumbled upon our website. And we are glad you did. Because 2023 and 2024 will be special years.
Come From Away came home this year. And is now playing on the world stage. Introducing people to the Newfoundland experience. And a first Sreech In's are now taking place off the Island. And why not. There is a Newfoundlander somewhere in your town. So people are stay’n put and ordering their Screecher Kits and T-Shirts and hunting for a Newfoundlander to host the ceremony.
Whatever your plan. Visiting or staying put. If you have been screeched in than register your Screech In now. Or claim your ceremony below. And of course order your T-Shirt and Hat just as a keep sake and conversation piece. Or if you dare, make the trip but reserve your place to be screeched in without any fuss or muss.
Afterall if it’s good enough for A-Listers and Celebs like the person to the right then it’s good enough for you.

(More questions, we would be happy to answer all your questions
whether you are coming here or staying put.)
Where did the tradition of the "Screech In" originate?
1983 was the year the tradtion formally began, It was that year Mr Myrle Vokey was credited with inventing the Screech-In ceremony. However it was first staged in 1976 in St. John’s the capital of Newfoundland. The tradition dates back to just after confederation, the date Newfoundland joined Canada.
How many Screech Ins have been held?
It is estimated that there are now 550,000 Honorary Newfoundlanders. Or in other words 550,000 have taken the ceramony.
Can I get Screeched in outside Newfoundland?
At one time you could not however with the success of the Broadway hit called "Come From Away" many people are getting Screeched by Newfoundlanders living in other parts of the world.
What is the largest Screech In ever held?
Would be 140 people
I am planning a trip to Newfoundland. Where do i go to get Screeched in?
There are many places that offer Screehc In. For a list of the top recommendations please take a look at
the link at Bottom called Screech In Ceramonies -
I lost my certificate, can you send me another?
Yes. Contact us through this website.
Do you offer Screech In services?
You can arrange a Screech In through this website or try your luck when visiting Newfoundland.
In my kit will you be sending me a codfish for the ceremony?
Your kit will contain a CODFISH model created by a 3D Printer and handpainted in tradtional North Atlantic
cod colors and markings. -
How long will it take to get my kit?
Our kits are sent by Canada Post. It usually takes 15 calendar dayas to receive your kit.
Newfoundland Expatriates
Honorary Newfoundlanders